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美国研究发现看“海绵宝宝”的孩童学习差头脑乱报道称,“海绵宝宝SpongeBob SquarePants”引进播放后,受到许多家长和小朋友的喜爱。里面不少重要人物,包括海绵宝宝、派大星、章鱼哥等角色,不少小朋友都如数家珍。尽管内容逗趣不已,许多家长都会陪伴小朋友一同观看,但是美国维吉尼亚大学心理学系教授李拉德(AngelineLillard)调查发现,喜欢看“海绵宝宝”的儿童,成绩表现较不常看的孩童要差。李拉德表示,先前已有研究发现儿童看电视会引发长期注意力的问题。但他在进行这次研究发现,孩子们一天只要看9分钟这类不用花脑筋思考的卡通,学习能力会比看正常节目或是看书的孩子差很多。李拉德说“海绵宝宝”并非个案,她还发现孩子们观看其它步调较快的卡通也会出现类似问题。“海绵宝宝”剧中常会呈现出无边无际、疯狂的想法,李拉德认为这类的剧情会在不知不觉中让孩子认同这样的观念和想法,接着再开始模仿海绵宝宝的脱序行为。尤其孩童在观看这类的节目之后,容易造成学习能力和行为自制力减低,对于孩子的身心成长有很大影响,建议家长尽量减少孩子观看这类型。

Asmall, experimental studypublished by The American Academy of Pediatrics may have parents rethinking what their kids spend their time watching.

For the study, 60 4-year-old kids watched either a fast-paced cartoon like SpongeBob SquarePants or a slow-paced cartoon such as Caillou. The children were then put to the test on four different tasks measuring executive function.

The children who watch the fast-paced shows did significantly worse on the tasks than the ones who watched a slow-paced cartoon. From theAssociated Press:

University of Virginia psychology professor Angeline Lillard, the lead author, said Nickelodeon’s “SpongeBob” shouldn’t be singled out. She found similar problems in kids who watched other fast-paced cartoon programming.

She said parents should realize that young children are compromised in their ability to learn and use self-control immediately after watching such shows. “I wouldn’t advise watching such shows on the way to school or any time they’re expected to pay attention and learn,” she said.

Nickelodeon spokesman David Bittler disputed the findings and said “SpongeBob SquarePants” is aimed at kids aged 6-11, not 4-year-olds.

“Having 60 non-diverse kids, who are not part of the show’s targeted (audience), watch nine minutes of programming is questionable methodology and could not possibly provide the basis for any valid findings that parents could trust,” he said.

In acommentary publishedalongside the study, Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis points out that in 1970 the average child began watching TV at 4-years-old and watched an average three to four hours a day. Today, the average age to start watching TV is 4-months-old, and the average media usage is eight hours a day. He acknowledges completely eliminating media from a kid’s daily life is impossible, and probably not even desirable, but he encourages parents to guide their children toward better programming.

Opinion alert: What that better programming is may be up to debate. Perhaps the kids did better on the tasks because they were just so happy not to be listening to Caillou’s whiny voice and bland adventures. I can’t be the only one to find that show highly annoying, can I?


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